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An ongoing series of informational posts related to health and wellness.

Entry VI

Friday, 28th May, 2021

Pre-holiday shenanigans!

How on Earth is it Memorial Day ALREADY?! It's like time was moving backwards in 2020 and now we're flying through 2021 in fast forward, amirite?

As I breathe life back into the, celebrate the third anniversary of VFresh, and ride the rollercoaster that is life, I want to make it a priority for us to share a summer adventure together, V.Freshers! One that includes quick and easy al fresco food and drink ideas and pairings, and short stories of magical moments.

You in?!

Ok, I'm off to pack and cook for a long weekend away on the lake.

See you lovelies soon and enjoy your holiday weekend!


That's all for now!

Remember to eat your fruit and veg, be nice, and have that extra glass of wine by the bonfire. ♥️


Entry V

Wednesday, 14th April, 2021

Let's dust this thing off, shall we?


Seeing the cherry blossoms in bloom brings me such joy. Such a beautiful sight to behold.

I/m so grateful to have a gorgeous view from my living room window - I'm just watching the geese with their goslings traverse the green rolling 10 deep easily, the swans are on the water, the ducks are waddling around, and there is so much bird song!

As nature shakes off the sleepiness of winter, it's makes perfect sense for us to follow suit.

A.M. smoothies are back in my life and let me tell you, my body is doing an internal happy dance. I'd love to say I drink them daily all year 'round but I don't...because I become a block of ice during the cold months.

Embracing seasonal fruit and veg will go a long way in jumpstarting the system with a natural and gentle reset. As does staying hydrated. It's easy to get dehydrated once the weather starts warming up so my tip is just keep drinking. And then drink some more. Mix it up with some fresh mint and berries, or slices of fresh ginger and lime.

I've been waiting for spring! I'm ready to feel some sun on my face and warm breezes. Who's with me?

Step one: dust off your daily routine.

Step two: drink more water.

Step three: step into spring boldly with a smile on that beautiful face!


That's all for now!

Remember to eat your fruit and veg, be nice, and drink your hot lemon water. ♥️


Entry IV

Thursday, 9th April, 2020

It's okay to not be okay!

Hmmm....what to blog about? What to blog about?

I think I'll give you a rundown of recent events since my last post.

Biggest event from the past week and half:

MY BIRTHDAY! 🎉🎈 *throws confetti in the air and gives self a high-five, also known as a clap.*

Quarantine birthdays are odd. I say this as though I have so many under my belt, but the fact of the matter is that my birthday felt strange and wonderful all at the same time.

My friends and family made me feel incredibly loved and special, but this year I didn't really do my usual birthday countdown - and I'm a board member of the Birthdays Are a Big Deal Committee - and I certainly didn't have any sort of get together. Yet I was immensely grateful for another trip around the sun and that I am fortunate enough to have in my life, especially my loved ones.

It seems all too easy these days to forget that there's still a lot to enjoy daily. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the constant news updates, lack of physical contact and face-to-face interactions with others, as well as the infrequency of outings, as mundane as they may be.

My point is, is that it's important to hold onto some semblance of normalcy so that we don't lose ourselves completely. Now with that being said, ups and downs are normal. Periods of productivity and the lack thereof, are normal. To pretend that we are not experiencing significant changes is foolish and delusional, and to emerge from this time of self-isolation and lock down without being fluent in five languages, having whittled a village of birdhouses from the trees you felled yourself whilst reading the entire content of the Library of Congress, after starting three new major corporations, makes you a perfectly decent human who is still the remarkable innovator, dreamer and doer that they were pre-Covid-19. You do not lack discipline if you choose to change back into your pajamas after waking up and walking your dog, before a day that may not yield all that much in the way of production but safeguards your sanity. Should I say that louder for people in the back? 🗣 

You are allowed to slow down. 

Support is what we should be offering one another, not criticism!


My rare trip to Whole Foods yesterday yielded a moment of macabre humour when I pulled into a space, parked and suited up with my mask and gloves, just to look over at the car next to me to see the woman inside doing the same thing. She gave me a nod in solidarity and it made me chuckle because wtf is life right now?! It's buying baby bok choys, wine, kale, a baguette, ginger, and turmeric, with a side of social distancing and protective gear! 

I had another moment at the checkout where I just stared at the cashier bagging everything instead of attempting to bag, or pay for that matter. Maybe it was the new addition of the Plexiglas barrier that threw me off, but she had to stop bagging to ask me if I planned on paying, followed with a 'with cash or card?' Earth to Helen: your groceries aren't free, bitch! 🤷🏾‍♀️

Okay, so what else has happened? Ah yes! Tuesday night's thunderstorm! SPECTACULAR!!! I adore a good thunderstorm and that one did not disappoint. So much lightening!

And the full moon? Necessary! Charged every crystal I own (that I could find) and I'm happily soaking up all this good energy! ✨

I've also been making an effort to exercise and move my body daily again, which has resulted in me having a lot of impromptu dance parties. With myself. So if rehearsals continue to go well, I'll soon be ready to grace some sort of stage once this is all over.

Remember, it's alright to be experiencing all of the emotions that you are right now. Acknowledge them, don't dismiss them, and then move forward.

That's all for now!

Remember to eat your fruit and veg, be nice, and call a loved one or eight. ♥️


Entry III

Friday, 27th March, 2020

The nose knows.

Hey babe,

We're in the midst of a worldwide crisis and even though life as we know it may have been turned upside down, there is a silver lining to all situations; it's just our job to find it and sometimes it can take a little digging.


I hear you.

With all of the shelter in place and quarantine protocols that have been issued, it's a bit of an introvert's here.

I was going to publish this post last Saturday but then I made a trip to Trader Joe's for treatos like organic rose, Gigli pasta and mushrooms to make a killer creamy, garlic-y baby Bella pasta dish topped with chives. But then I opened the rose...

And then I FaceTimed two magnificent friends...

And Sunday was a write-off.

So now here we are and what a week - so many exciting changes in the works that I can't WAIT to roll out!!

Now whilst drinking is one way to blow off a little steam, essential oils are an option that don't need the clock to read 5 PM to be deemed socially acceptable to enjoy. But these days, anything goes.

Enter aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy 101 - What is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy, also known as essential oil therapy, is a synergy of science and art. It is a holistic practice that uses natural plant extracts to heal and promote wellness of the body, mind and soul.

What are the health benefits of utilising aromatherapy?

Either by inhalation, and/or skin absorption, certain essentials oils will:

  • alleviate pain

  • improve mood

  • aid digestion

  • improve sleep

  • tackle bacteria, fungi, and viruses

  • boost immunity

That's just the tip of the iceberg. 

From personal experience, I've found aromatherapy to be a wonderful stress reliever. I find the scents really adjust your mood accordingly; be it lifting your spirits or lulling you into blissful repose. I also swear by essential oils to manage aches and pains, and for whenever I'm feeling under the weather.

How do I reap these benefits?

Let me count the ways! Currently, I'm wearing my aromatherapy necklace that I gifted myself for Christmas. You put a few drops of your favourite essential oil inside and the heavenly aroma is with you all day long; lime in my case. #addicted.

Diffusing essential oils is hands down my favourite way to enjoy aromatherapy.  I love falling asleep to my blend of lime and lavender. 

Self-massages with essential oils mixed with a carrier oil - a base oil such as sweet almond, jojoba, or grapeseed to name a few that dilute and literally carry the essential oils to the skin - are heavenly, and an important part of my daily self-care routine. 

I also love a good hydrosol, which is a mist made from the water in which the plant components were distilled. So refreshing to spritz all over your face!

Lastly, directly inhaling essential oils is probably the easiest way to enjoy aromatherapy but the list does go on.

Did You Know?

The modern-day word 'aromatherapy' was conceived in 1937 by a French perfumer by the name of Rene-Maurice Gattefosse. He was also a chemist, who discovered the healing properties of lavender after burning his hand in the lab which he then thrust into a vat of lavender. What he found was that he wasn't left with any scarring and that his hand healed beautifully.

Note to self: find space for vat(s) of lavender.


Here are a few essential oil must-haves to get you started:

  • Eucalyptus - soothes the mucosal membranes and loosens mucous. Wonderful for respiratory issues.

  • Lavender - relieves muscle tension, heals irritated skin. Tastes good too.

  • Lemon or lime - antibacterial properties, invigorating. Feel good whilst cleaning!


So there we have it. A concise introduction to aromatherapy. 

I'll be talking more about essential oils in the future so I encourage you to dabble if you haven't already.

What are your can't-live-without blends?

Drop me a line and let me know!

That's all for now!

Remember to eat your fruit and veg, and be nice.


Entry II

Monday, 9th March, 2020

Just beet it.

Here we are, together again! 

Today's post is about JUICING.

Or rather, a crash course on juicing when you're past the point of no return - the fruit and veg are cleaned and chopped, mason jars at the ready, you've even announced to the world that you're about to juice (with Snapchats taken for good measure) - just to find out that the juicer you bought all those years ago and then put away so diligently, has well and truly packed up.

You giant piece of shit. 

But first,

Juicing 101 - What is juicing?

Juicing is the process of extracting the liquid portion of fruits and vegetables by separating the pulp.

What are the health benefits of juicing?

Juicing is a great way to give the digestive tract a rest. When we consume food, our digestion is hard at work breaking down these solids, so when we drink juices, this workload is significantly decreased as juices are easily digested. Digestion can be a taxing process on the body, especially when our diets are out of whack. When digestive processes are functioning at less than optimum, the body draws on multiple resources to get the job done which can result in lethargy and fatigue. We've all experienced this after a giant stuffing of the belly. (I'm looking at you, Thanksgiving dinner.)

Juices are a great way to consume a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, offering enhanced absorption of their numerous nutritious minerals and vitamins. Juices also offer hydration and are an easy way to work more fruits and vegetables into the diet.

I think juices are a wonderful way to supplement the diet throughout one's day and week. As we know, juice cleanses are popular and when done safely, help to effectively reset the body.

Is a juice better than a smoothie?

One isn't necessarily better than the other. Both are fantastic options with the main difference being the fibre content. Smoothies tend to be more filling as the fibre from the fruits and vegetables are still intact.

Okay so back to my juicy narrative. I have no juicer, and a chopping board of cucumber, beetroot, lemon and apple screaming "juice me." So what are my options? I ponder for a moment as I eat a handful of peanut butter filled pretzels with my eyes still blurry from dilation an hour or so beforehand. I then take a second handful of peanut butter filled pretzels, mainly just because I like eating PB filled pretzels.

"I'll just blend and strain!" I think to myself.

Bleeend...AND STRAIN!

Bloody labour of love let me tell you and not as straightforward as it seems.


I started by making the mistake of using a knock-off version of the Nutribullet. Rubbish!🚯

Part of it broke and this machine did nothing in the way of blending the pieces of mere cucumber I'd shoved into the canister. Time to bring out the heavy artillery.

I swiftly moved on to a very decent and trusted blender that I keep on my counter top and started to blend the cucumber, apple and lemon that was lying forlorn on my chopping board.

Many blitzes later, I had liquid-y mush. Perfect!

Time to strain. Only problem is, with what exactly? Not a sieve; holes are too big. Could use cheesecloth or a nut milk bag; don't have either. A-HA! THE FRENCH PRESS!

Your French press coffee maker not only saves your life by caffeinating you each morning; it makes a surprisingly effective juice pulp strainer in a pinch. I'd also like to take this moment to thank the French for baguettes. Bread is life.

Now you're really going to have to put your back in to it when straining the beetroot mush this way, but the fruits, or should I say juice, of your labour will be worthwhile.

The gold standard of French press juicing is leaving the imprint of the filter in the pulp. BravaFour to five pressings/strainings later, I had two 16-oz mason jars of gorgeous, dark crimson liquid that could definitely go tête-à-tête with any juice extracted by conventional means!  

So now i sit here, sipping my juice, and typing my tale. Takeaways?

  • Fresh, homemade juice is always best.


  • Forgot to throw in ginger in all the commotion.

  • Massage the meaty part of the palm of your hand with which you pressed with a little Arnica, because I know.

  • You can still get the job done even if you don't have all the fancy tools.

But wait. Now you're left with all of this pulp. Throw it away? Don't you dare! If you're wondering what to do with the by-product of juicing, here are my go-tos:
  • Make beet burgers! or beetballs.

  • Add to smoothies for extra fibre.

  • Add to baked goods like muffins for extra moisture. It's a dead ringer for applesauce, texture wise.

  • Add to soups for dat thickness. 🍑

That's all for now!

Remember to eat your fruit and veg (or drink them), and be nice.


Entry I

Friday, 6th March, 2020

What's shakin', coconut bacon? 

Welcome to V.Blog, where the grass IS actually greener!

Join me as I talk about food, food and wine, more food and everything in between. 🍴🧬🍷

V.Blog brings you original, V.Fresh content to make you think, encourage conversation and keep you up-to-date on current affairs in the world of food, health and wellness.


So, The obvious elephant in the room right now is the novel CORONAvirus, Covid-19. More reason to drink wine and not bottled beer with a wedge of lime. *slaps knee* I digress. 

First of all, KEEP. CALM! 

Fear and panic does no one nor any situation any good. Now remind yourself that we have survived many pandemics and will pull through this one as well!

Now let's understand what a coronavirus is.

Coronaviruses are a type of virus that begins in animals causing disease, before moving to and amongst humans. We have seen 6 coronaviruses before Covid-19, but it is referred to as novel because it has never been seen by us before. It has only recently had its gene sequencing. Here comes the nerd in me, wanting to tell you that coronaviruses target cell RNA, not DNA and that the virus itself is covered in spikes which are the actual 'corona' part, BUT I'll control myself. 🤓

This virus namely affects young children, the elderly and the immuno-comprised,, but anyone can potentially fall ill. 

Covid-19 can be prevented from spreading by taking universal precautionary measures.

  • Remember to wash your hands often, scrubbing under your nails, with soap and very warm to hot water for 20 seconds whilst singing the chorus from Truth Hurts by Lizzo. Or how about the chorus from Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield aka the theme tune to the Hills. Yes. You're humming it now, aren't you? You're welcome! Put a system in place that serves as a friendly reminder for frequent hand washing such as making a point to wash your hands every time you enter and exit a building. Check out more tunes to bop to whilst banishing germs here.

  • COVER YOUR COUGHS AND SNEEZES. PLEASE AND THANK YOU! Cough or sneeze into a tissue and then discard the tissue responsibly. If you don't have a tissue handy, an elbow will do.

  • Stay at home if you are unwell with any symptoms such as a cough, sneezing or a cold, or if you think you have been exposed to Covid-19 as many people will be asymptomatic (showing no symptoms at all). Take this time to sleep and binge watch some great documentaries and order in some V.Freshness!

  • Don't touch that beautiful face of yours! And don't let anybody else, for that matter.

  • Sanitise commonly used areas and surfaces INCLUDING YOUR PHONE, BRO. 

  • Bolster your immune system by eating an array of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables! I'm a massive fan of making delicious, homemade soups during the cold months and whenever I'm feeling under the weather. Hot tea is also a must. Another suggestion is to diffuse a blend of eucalyptus, tea tree and lavender essential oils. Eucalyptus helps open the airways, tea tree is antimicrobial and lavender is beautifully soothing and smells delightful. TIP: Take a couple spoonfuls of elderberry syrup daily as well as zinc lozenges and you'll  be well on your way to keeping sickness at bay.

  • Keep abreast of the news and developments from reputable sources such as the Center for Disease Control's website and the World Health Organisation's website. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless when we inundate ourselves with all of the information out there, so be mindful of what you ingest.

  • Lastly, remember to breathe! Stress weakens the immune system so meditate, practice gratitude, and be happy and present in the moment.

That's all for now!

Remember to eat your fruit and veg, and be nice.



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