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V.Fresh? Do tell!

V.Fresh, or vie fraîche (fresh life), is a local, woman-owned vegan prepared meal company based right here in Michigan! V.Fresh believes in fueling the body with the best ingredients in delectable fare to power us forward on our journey to becoming the greatest versions of ourselves, whilst enjoying who we are in this very moment.

Whole body wellness begins with good food choices and in a world where perhaps too many options exist, navigating these waters can seem a bit daunting.  V.Fresh was created to share the love of delicious, healthy, home cooked meals punctuated by mindful, ethical choices. V.Fresh stands firm in its commitment to cooking organic, nutrient dense, flavourful meals that keep the body in balance. 

V.Fresh - Comfort Gourmet; delivered!


The V.Fresh LLC Mission

My mission with V.Fresh is to nourish the body, mind and soul with high quality, vibrant, vegan meals. Change begins with oneself and when you put goodness in, you'll get exactly that out! One cannot pour from an empty cup so by choosing V.Fresh, you've taken the first step to wellness; not to mention having freed up some of your much sought-after time. You've also taken the stress out of deciding how to eat healthily without compromising on flavour and variety.

We've all had those drives to the grocery store that involve a little road rage, the circling the for a parking space like a shark in deep waters, the queues to get in, the queues at the registers to get out, the hoping you didn't forget anything moment... and then comes the chopping, the cutting, the preparation, and finally the cook- you get the point. Avoid the rigmarole and let V.Fresh sweat the small stuff. Allow yourself to be taken care of!

The negative affects of stress are all too real and something we are all to familiar with.

Health and happiness are underrated, when in actual fact they should be put on a pedastal!

When you feel good, you create a ripple effect within your life and within the lives of those around you, allowing for positive change. So fuel your body to take on the challenges of today's world because tomorrow needs a stronger you.

The Woman Behind the Brand

Hi! I'm Helen Kumah-Gbati, founder and chef of V.Fresh. I hail all the way from Northampton, England where I was born and raised. I now consider myself a local after having lived in the United States for almost two decades.  I graduated from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor with a Bachelor of Science in Movement Science from the School of Kinesiology. I have always had an affinity for health as my mother and the majority of my aunts are nurses. My elder siblings earned degrees in applied biology and applied physics, so it's clear we have an interest in knowing how our body and the world around us work.

I dove feet first into veganism back in late 2014 after returning from three months in England. I looked into ways to maintain how fantastic I felt and how to become the best version of myself; veganism was the answer. I found that a vegan lifestyle aligned with my moral fibre and brought me a deeper connection with myself, others and the planet. In addition to that, I was blessed with an abundance of health, wellness and happiness. I didn't look back!

It wasn't until a major car crash shifted life for me in 2018, that I really appreciated just how healthy I was. The journey back to total wellness is still underway and my vegan diet continues to be the backbone of my vitality. It's the source of well-being amidst the present challenges I face. As with all of life's happenings, lessons are to be learned and silver linings to be found. I understand the ups-and-downs of weight gain and weight loss, of being in the best shape of your life to working towards that point once again. No matter where you are in your journey, it's important to embrace it and grow from there. 

 When I'm not in the kitchen, you can often find me on my yoga mat, out and about in nature, or soaking up quality time with friends and family, and enjoying a glass of wine.


From time to time you may see me reference V.Fresh using 'we' or 'our.'  How can this be if you're a solopreneur, Helen? Well, I do all of the shopping, cooking, preparation, deliveries etc., but it’s always good to have an extra set of eyes and another creative mind to run ideas by. For these reasons I appointed my sister, Deanne, my Creative Director. After all, what are sisters for if not to steal clothes from and keep you on your A-game?

I have big goals for the future; something I’m sure you and I have in common. Let's dine in style on the journey to wellness!

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